I was pretty focused on not introducing food to little Pudding until 6 months old.  To be fair that is only 2 weeks away now, and if she had been born on her due date it would only be three days away.

Little Pudding isn’t that little really, even though it is well documented throughout this blog that I have no idea exactly how much she weighs!  She is strong and sits up very well when supported.  She has no trouble coordinating getting things to her mouth and she has been watching us eat and drink with a lot of interest.

The tipping point has been waking in the night every two hours.  I think teething was a factor at first, but her front two teeth have come through now, and she is still waking a lot.  Now, this wouldn’t be a problem if it wasn’t for the fact that a) I have the toddler Princess to consider b) apparently there’s something called housework that needs to happen occasionally and c) zombie isn’t my best look!

photo (14)

With all this in mind we have introduced a few tastes of food at breakfast.  I wouldn’t call it breakfast just yet, it’s more like playing with the spoon with some fruit puree or baby porridge.  At this point it’s really about getting used to having something a bit different to milk and finding out what to do with it.  There’s a lot of face pulling and a fair amount of mess, but the journey into food has begun and there’s no going back.  I’m a little bit sad, but I am looking forward to getting a bit more sleep!

I know people have mixed feelings about getting to 6 months, and I’d love to know how you felt about first introducing food to you baby.  It’s an exciting time, but where as before the food was on tap and nothing needed planning, now the dilemma of how to get a varied diet into her is about to raise it’s ugly head.  We’ll let you know how we get on!

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  1. I love reading this, my little one is 7 months now. I like you have no idea how much he weighs! I have ‘sort of’ started solids (ie not really! Opps) he wakes every 1-2 hours every night but I’m not sure anything I can give him will make that change I just live in hope that soon things will change (fingers tightly crossed and touching wood!!) thinking I’ll do a blog post about it soon!

  2. She is so cute! I don’t blame you for starting the weaning process. Wriggly has started waking up in the middle of the might (horror!) and if I hadn’t broken my blender, I would have started this week… Soon, very soon for us!

  3. I first introduced solids (a bit of baby rice with breast milk) to my baby on her 6th month birthday. I am sure she would have been fine with it earlier, but I just wanted to wait until that symbolic moment 🙂 It is so adorable though, those first little tastes and the faces they pull 🙂

  4. Your little one is really cute! I first introduced solids when my baby around 5 months. It was a bit earlier than what I preferred, but he needed to boost his weight, and he was not keen on bottle feeding (he just wanted to breastfeed), but he really liked porridge and ate it really well! Weaning is a really excitment time!

  5. I felt a bit sad when we got to this point, though it was very mixed because I was excited too (right up until the first post-weaning dirty nappy….yuuuuukkkkkyyyy.

    I am still feeding Boo lots, and she is still waking in the night (she is 1 in just over two weeks) and she still really doesn’t eat very much at all… kind of worrying really, she doesn’t even drink much water at all. Working on cutting feeds down and we were making progress and then she picked up a nasty virus and we have had to take several steps back.

    Love the picture =) so cute!

  6. She’s so beautiful! Toby was having none of it waiting until 6 months (or even a full 5!) He’ll refuse to feed if I have food or drink in sight and he cries when I don’t share! He’s just on porridge at breakfast at the moment, we’ll slowly introduce other things over the next few weeks but with his reflux and cows milk protein intolerance we have to be careful xx

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