If you’re the type of person that drives a car but knows practically nothing about the bits and bobs moving around under the hood, you’re not alone. An October 2020 survey by YesAuto reported in GarageWire found that 44% of people find cars confusing, and many don’t know how to do common maintenance tasks like inflating tyres, checking engine oil levels, or testing tyre tread depths.

Of course, having an encyclopaedic knowledge of your car and how it works isn’t a must when there’s always a garage to hand – but knowing when to take your car into the mechanic’s very much is. Having some sort of idea about the things for which you should listen out will help you to recognise which noises are not okay and will need to get sorted by a professional. Here are some of the most common.

Gearbox Grinding

A grinding noise coming from down the steering column on the driver’s side could be due to an issue with your gearbox – due to either worn or poorly adjusted components.

If you hear this noise, an expensive fix could be on the horizon. If you don’t have savings available, a bad credit loan is an emergency option that might help you to keep your car on the road – though you need to work out whether you’ll be able to make the repayments each month before you apply.

Scraping Brakes

Our brakes are arguably the most important components in our cars so, if you hear scraping or screeching noises coming from them, it’s important that you take in your car for a check-up. These sorts of noises can be due to the brake pads having been worn away, meaning that your braking distances could end up being much longer than normal.

black vehicle on road near green leaf plants

Clunks when Bumping

Whether you’re driving over a sleeping policeman or have been hit by one of the UK’s millions of potholes, you need your car’s suspension to be able to take the strain. If you happen to hear clunking or squeaking noises when you go over bumps, then there could be an issue with your suspension, steering, wheels or tyres.

Steering Noises

Your car shouldn’t make any noises when you turn your steering wheel. If you hear sounds while moving around corners, then there could be an issue with your steering system, wheels or tyres, so be sure to head to the garage to get it checked out.

High-Pitched Noises on Ignition

Screeching, squealing noises from the engine when you start your car could be due to an issue with the serpentine belt. This component is crucial to lots of car systems, including the steering system, pumps and alternator – so, if you hear a high-pitched noise that slowly fades away, then a worn or failing belt could be the culprit.

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