Oh good ol’ premenstrual symptoms!

No matter your age, I am sure you have come across it at least a few times in your life. 

Premenstrual Syndrome (aka PMS) is characterised by symptoms such as headache, mood swings, tiredness and/or insomnia, anxiety, digestive problems and bloating, and breast tenderness.

Some women have even reported more unusual (though extra annoying) symptoms such as spotty skin and greasy hair. 

Knowing all this, it’s no wonder so many people can appear a little on edge during that time of the month. 

But no panic! In this article, I will share some tips with you to help you overcome it and live those days leading to your bleeding as comfortably as possible. 

From supplements to more unconventional tricks such as period pants, there are a few ways you can bring your PMS symptoms down to a minimum. 

Let’s see

Tip Number 1: You Are what You Eat

I am sure you have heard this one before, but only because it is true! 

Nourishing your body with the elements it craves is not only going to ensure you are provided with sufficient energy levels and focus, it can also keep insidious ailments at bay! 

Studies suggest that calcium and vitamin D can help reduce the risk of PMS.

Foods rich in these nutrients are spinach, Okra, kale, collard greens, soy and white beans among others.

Magnesium is also a natural anti-stressant and is naturally found in chocolate, and seeds such as chia o pumpkin, almond and rolled oats. 

Tip Number two: Plan Ahead with Period Underwear

One of the main stressors when it comes to PMS is the awareness your period may come any minute.

This might not be reason enough to waste expensive reusable menstrual products like pads.

Moreover, inserting a tampon when you don’t strictly need one can do more hard than good.

My solution to this problem? Period panties!

Period pants are designed to be worn exactly like regular underwear, but they have the incredible benefit of being as absorbent as two lage pads with none of the bulky or uncomfortable look and feeling. Just wear them during those days you fear your period might surprise you. 

They are 100% machine washable and durable, so you will be protected without wasting any reusable product. Extra perk: they are great for the environment and easy to pack!

Even better: period pants are great for girls!

Tip Number Three: Move the Pain Away

Along with a proper diet, exercise is forever listed as one of the pathways to good health and happiness – and with a good reason! 

To keep PMS symptoms at bay, it is important to stay active throughout the month.

This is because moving triggers sophisticated mechanisms that promote hormonal health, soothing symptoms such as premenstrual headaches, breast tenderness, digestive issues among others. 

When it comes to PMS, any exercise will do.

You might enjoy running, lifting, or a gentle yoga session.

If you keep at it, they are all sure to bring in the desired results.

Tip Number four: Manage Stress

This one can be a bit difficult to hear, but you need to maintain your stress levels low!

Before you come at me, yes, I get it.

You are probably busy with a full-time job and a bunch of kids, and the idea to take some down time songs foreign at best.

But hear me out. I

t is important to make time for things you enjoy.

Be it a bubble bath, a walk around the neighbourhood, or a meal with a close friend, both your life and your PMS will benefit from you looking after yourself and your leisure time.

Tip Number five: Take Supplements

I am a big advocate of getting all your healthy nutrients primarily from your food. 

Notwithstanding, if you suffer from PMS you may need to supplement.

One of the more typical deficiency is magnesium.

Lack of sufficient levels of this important mineral in your body can manifest with bloating and other digestive problems, irritability and trouble sleeping.

These symptoms are likely to intensify in the days leading up to your bleeding.

Just give magnesium a couple of months and see if it helps – chances are, it will!

The Bottom Line

PMS is a troubling and ever-common nuisance for many people, but it doesn’t need to be. 

A few good habits can easily help keep the discomfort away.

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