Life can’t always be ten out of ten, but there are things you can do that’ll improve your chances of having more of those moments. One is to put yourself in a position where you can really enjoy life. And when it comes to doing that, there aren’t too many things more effective than ensuring that your mental and physical health is as good as can be. If you feel great in body and mind, then you’ll find it much easier to live those high moments — and not to mention, you’ll be in a better position to handle the low moments, too.

And good news! How you can feel great inside and out is not a complete mystery. In this blog, we’ll take a look at some of the many things you can do that’ll push you in the right direction. Indeed, take all of these tips on board, and it’s likely that you’ll seriously elevate your lifestyle. 

Give Thanks

We live in a society that pushes us to think about how we can gain more, live better, and all-around step up our lives. While it’s good to be ambitious and to have high expectations for your life, it’s also important that we don’t forget everything that we already have in our lives. If you’ve got a job, a roof over your head, and some good people in your life, then you’ll have a lot to be thankful for. Studies have shown that people that write a daily gratitude list boost their happiness levels within two weeks. Give it a try! You might just get a different perspective on things.

Start Exercising

It can be so inviting to spend time on the couch, watching Netflix, and all around just relaxing. However, there’s a lot of value in forcing yourself to do some exercise. It’s one of those things that you maybe don’t necessarily want to do but which you’ll almost never regret. Spending forty-five minutes in the gym can have a hugely positive impact on not just your physical fitness but also your mental health. In fact, when it comes to exercise, it’s best to do it for your mental health first and foremost — the physical benefits will follow! If the idea of spending time at a gym doesn’t excite you too much, then no worries, there are plenty of ways to get some exercise. So long as your heart rate is up and you’re sweating, it’ll be fine. 

Cold Water Treatment

Want to hack your system? Try cold water treatment. The idea of stepping into a cold shower is most people’s idea of a bad time, but there are advantages to doing so. For one thing, it’ll give your mind a boost. It has been shown to lower stress and anxiety, plus just managing to overcome the mental resistance to getting in there in the first place gives you a big boost. It’s a pretty zen way to start the day! You’ll also find that you’re fully alert and full of energy, too. There’s a lot to be said for going for an early morning run and then stepping into a freezing cold shower. Trust us when we tell you that you’ll feel kind of on top of the world once you get out. 

Healthy Skin

Healthy skin always seems to indicate a broader positive, healthy lifestyle. Plus, it can make you feel good about yourself — it’s always nice stepping out knowing that you’ve got beautiful, glowing skin. Some people are naturally lucky when it comes to their skin, but most of us have to work at it a little. There are many things you can do that’ll give your skin a boost! What you need to do will depend on your starting point. If you have broadly good skin, then it might just involve drinking more water, using the right skin products for your skin type, and getting a good night’s sleep. If you’re dealing with a skin issue, then a little bit of research can help you; learning about the difference between psoriasis vs. eczema can provide the starting point for you to make improvements. There are treatments available for those conditions, as well as other common skin issues, such as acne, shingles, and hives. 

Into Nature

Most people spend the majority of their time in urban areas. And indeed, some people spend all their time in urban areas — they never spend any time in nature! That makes sense since it does require effort in order to get into the great outdoors. However, there’s a lot of value in making that effort. You’ll likely find that you’ll get fitter from spending time in nature, since most people do active things while they’re there, such as strenuous walking. Plus, you’ll certainly improve your mental well-being, too. Multiple studies have come out in recent years that suggest that spending even a bit of time in nature (around 15 minutes) can be enough to improve your mood — and the benefits become even more pronounced if you spend more time (spend two hours there, and the benefits will become noticeable). 

Live An Alcohol-Free Life

We tend to think of drinking alcohol as just something that people do. It’s such a standard part of modern life that we rarely stop to consider whether it’s actually good for us. For most people, having a glass of wine or a beer after a long day is a nice way to relax and unwind. However, it is a good idea to look at taking periodic breaks from alcohol consumption. A month can be a good starting point. It’ll be difficult for the first week or so, but by the time you reach week three, you’ll find that you’re experiencing a whole host of benefits, including more energy, greater mental clarity, and more. There’ll be many months in your life when you do drink alcohol; try to take one month off and see just what sober life has to offer. 

Eating Healthy Food

You can’t expect your body to feel at its best if you’re feeding it junk food all the time. Those types of meals might taste good on the lips, but they’ll do nothing good for your body! Look at getting your full dose of vitamins and minerals by eating healthy, balanced meals. There are plenty of healthy dishes that you can make within thirty minutes or less. 

Stretch Your Body

We all spend so much time sitting down these days. We sit on the couch, sit in the car, and sit at a desk when we’re working. The consequence is that many of our bodies are tighter than they should be. It’s fine to feel that way for a day, but if it goes on too long, then you’ll likely find that you have a lot of stiffness and reduced mobility when you’re older. The remedy to this issue? Stretch your body out! They say you stay the same age as you were when you first started doing yoga regularly, so give it a try. It can seem a little intimidating to go to a class, but that’s just in your mind — all classes are welcoming. If you’re worried about embarrassing yourself in front of others, just remember: no one is paying any attention to you! 

Calm the Mind

Life can be pretty chaotic, even at the best of times. As such, it’s a good idea to look at ways to calm the mind and to put a little bit of space between you and the mania of the world. The best method is probably meditation but it is well-backed by research as a way to limit stress and anxiety and boost happiness. As with yoga, people often think that it’s difficult to start meditation, but that’s not the case. There are plenty of excellent apps that’ll walk you through the basics. And once you have a sense of what you’re supposed to be doing, you can make it a regular part of your life. 

Spend Time With People You Like

Life is all about connection. If you can spend time with people with whom you do have a connection, then you’ll find it much easier to be happy. On the other hand, if you’re spending time with people that you don’t have a connection with, then you won’t get the benefit. There are people that build us up, and people that drag us down. Make sure you’re spending time with people that help you to feel positive and be happy. You don’t have to cut out people that don’t do that, but it’s worth making the effort to reduce their impact on you. 


There’s no magic bullet that’ll make you look and feel great. It’s something that you have to dedicate time to. The good news is that we’ve gotten pretty good at figuring out what those things are. If you follow all of the tips that we’ve outlined above, it’s inevitable that you’ll notice at least some improvement. Give it a try!

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