All parents want the best for their children, including the best education.

After all, it’s our responsibility to ensure our children reach a high standard of learning.

Schools aren’t as invested in your kids’ success as you are. So, it’s up to parents to encourage, support, and help their children to reach for the stars.

Here are seven ways you can support your kids’ studies to help them achieve those goals. 

Set a Study Time 

Your children will benefit from learning some organisational skills to help them with their school work.

So, helping them to establish homework hours at home will create good study habits.

Pay attention to when they are the most active and ready to work.

Maybe they need a few hours after school to unwind before getting back to those textbooks.

However, some students will be ready to jump right back into studying straight after school.

The aim is to create an after-school schedule they find easy to follow at home.

It will give them order and a sense of control over their studies. 

Create a Positive Attitude Toward Studying

How they approach and view studies starts with us as parents.

Be aware of your attitude and teach your kids to love and respect school.

After all, it’s a place that provides them with the knowledge and skills necessary for the future.

At the very least, helping your kids to learn to be grateful for such an opportunity and respect a place of education will serve them well in the future.

Studies can also be fun and interesting as long as a child learns to see them this way.

Avoid associating studying with chores or punishments. Be sure to encourage your children to learn instead of pushing them towards it.

And finally, lead by example by picking up a book once in a while or taking some online courses

photo of child sitting by the table while looking at the imac

Talk about Goals and Ambitions 

Sometimes, a child may simply miss the motivation to study.

They may not fully understand why they need to study math, geography, or languages at this stage in life.

As parents we should find the right words to motivate our kids and build a desire to learn.

Start by talking about why and how studying can help our kids become better people.

Explain the benefits of being a well-rounded person and how this can help them achieve their goals in life.

Lastly, have a heart-to-heart conversation with them about their views on life, goals for the future, and plans for when they grow up.

Then bring those distant goals to the present, connecting school performance with their chances at success in the future. 

Teach Children Stress Coping Mechanisms

Stress will be a part of school life, whether you want it or not.

It’s better to educate children about mental health, stress, and how to deal with those issues.

Academic pressure will not get easier over the years. Our children should be ready to cope with these situations as they arise.

Prioritising mental health over grades is a valuable lesson for us all to learn.

In fact, sometimes, it might better to run an assignment or two by than to suffer mental burnout.

During their studies, children will have plenty of time to face their challenges and fears in school and in life in general.

It’s only fair to give them a break and teach them the value of mental health. 

Work as a Team 

You are in it together.

Your kids must know you have their back, no matter what.

Work together on things they struggle with at school, like art projects or other homework.

However, learn to cooperate as a team. Don’t just solve things for them.

Give them a chance to think and work things out on their own. By just being there for them, you give them more confidence and the courage to try. 

Ask Them What Help They Need

Sometimes, the easiest way to do something is right in front of you.

Just ask your child what kind of help they could use at the moment.

Perhaps, they are just stressed and want to vent.

Maybe, they made a mess of their schedule and need some assistance.

Or, maybe, they can handle whatever is troubling them on their own.

You can start by asking whether they need your help in the first place.

Holding yourself back and seeing them struggle with something may be hard.

Yet, that’s how they grow and learn to take responsibility. 

Reward Good School Performance 

Last but not least, make sure to praise good school performance.

Good grades shouldn’t be taken for granted.

They are the result of hard work, determination, and even sacrifices.

Your kids choose to learn and aim for the best instead of getting distracted or procrastinating all day.

These positive choices should be rewarded.

Consider creating a reward system to celebrate every small achievement.

This way, your child feels appreciated and acknowledged for their efforts and time in school.

Perhaps even more importantly, using a reward system can also be a nice bonding experience for you and your child. 

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