Love is……

My dear Geeky Husband puts up with a lot from his pregnant wife.  Here's my 'love is' list from him.  It's everything I think he would love to say but daren't for fear of...

Getting Their Own Way! – Some Lessons in Negotiation

It's dawned on me that toddlers know far more about negotiation than I do.  What is it with the Little People?  I don't know what it's like in your house, but Princess is able...

Stress and Pregnancy- Don’t get them Muddled Up

You might know what it's like when those hormones start rushing in, you could cry at the most insignificant things and sickness becomes an essential bodily function. As well as all the above, I started...

Green Eyed Toddler – GET

Have you seen the Green Eyed Toddler recently?  AKA GET, he can be a feisty little monkey when he wants to be, and strong clear boundaries are required from Adults to improve his behaviour....

My Mum’s A Bit Mental…..

OK, I know that's not the most politically correct blog title in the world but when your 9 years old, that's the only way you can put it.  I grew up with a Mum...

It’s Time I Changed……

My life has changed such a lot in the last 5 years, but I'm not ever so sure that I have changed with it. I've gone from being a fiercely independent single Mum, taking on...

Dear Friend…….

I'm sorry I didn't tell you we were going to try for another baby.  I get that this hurt you, but to be honest I don't think I knew how to tell you.  Our...

From Granny’s Kitchen – Spelt and Potato Bread

I've not always enjoyed cooking.  In fact at some points in my life I have positively avoided it.   One of the people who has influenced me the most in my journey with food is...