I took the family along to see the Big Window Theatre Company’s production, One Finger, One Thumb this weekend at the Lakeside Arts Theatre.  Princess was as excited as ever, and is really getting into her theatre now.

The story is based around the well known nursery rhyme of the same name, and is the most adorable tale of a family and what happens to them one windy washing day. Ruby Ring loses her favourite doll, Baby Small and must find her right now.  She retraces her steps and takes us on an imaginative adventure to find her treasured possession.

One Finger One Thumb

The audience is invited to sit around the performance, which adds to the productions charm.  The actors bring the story to life for the children by inviting them to come and take part during the show.  My daughter loved crunching through the snow and holding the tree branches for everyone to creep through.

I really didn’t know what to expect from this performance but as a piece of interactive children’s musical theatre, it was absolutely delightful.   It was perfect for very young children up to the age of 5.  The signing was perfect from all the actors, and the use of props was ingenious in parts.  I particularly loved how they brought the fish to life in the puddle.

There was a particularly lovely touch at the end of the show, when we were given our very own dolly peg to bring home and craft our own Baby Small.  This appealed to my daughter immensely and I enjoyed being able to make her a little doll to treasure like Ruby Ring had done.

The next performance we are going to see is Snail And The Whale by Tall Stories.  We saw Emily Brown And The Thing last year which was exceptional, so we are very excited about this performance.  Pop back back to catch the review if you don’t get chance to see it.

We were given complimentary tickets to see this performance in exchange for this review

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  1. I love it when performances are imaginatively geared to the under-5s. They’re such a difficult crowd to please, and it’s such fun when they’re captivated. This show sounds fab.

  2. Sounds like fun, it’s hard to keep them engaged at the theatre, so if a performance can manage that they’ve pretty much suceeded 🙂


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