Road trips are a great option for your next holiday, allowing you to travel the country with the accessibility of a car and visit many different cities and towns along the way. You’ll need to pack all the essential items needed for the journey: depending on how long you plan to travel, there are a few key resources you’ll need to take.


Any time you are planning on travelling long distances in your own vehicle, it’s essential to take all the required documents. This is especially important if you plan on travelling to a different country by car, such as using the Eurotunnel for a road trip in France or Spain. You’ll need to carry your driver’s licence and insurance documents to make identification and checks easy and hassle-free. It’s also a good idea to carry a copy of your car’s manual in case your car suffers any issues along the way.

road trip in mountains

Repairs Kit

Getting a puncture will surely bring your road trip to a halt, along with many other mechanical issues that could hinder your car’s performance or stop it functioning altogether. Make sure to carry a spare tyre; most cars will have a space for one under the floor panel in the car boot. You should also carry a toolbox or tool bag with a range of implements that can be used for simple car maintenance tasks, such as fitting a new tyre. This will help to keep you on the road if any car issues occur.

Essential Items for Driving Safety

A road trip can mean different hazardous driving conditions. You should always keep a pair of sunglasses in your car if you are driving during hours of low sun. In the event of heavy rainfall, having wiper blades that can properly remove water from your windscreen is crucial. Make sure to check the integrity of the rubber of your wipers and carry some spares in case they fault while on your travels.


Most of us are used to the luxury of using navigation apps to take us to our destination, but it’s likely that there will be times on your journey where you have no internet connection. Having the relevant paper maps for your route will help you to follow the right direction in the case of lost phone signal.


Road trips often involve multiple hours elapsing between each destination, so you’ll need extra water in the event that you get lost or take longer than expected to reach your next stop. It’s also wise to carry some snacks on board, as well as sleeping equipment like blankets or sleeping bags in case you need to rest and spend a night sleeping in your car.

Once you have packed your car and prepped your vehicle, you can set off with peace of mind knowing you are fully prepared to enjoy the road trip.

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