Heartburn has plagued me in all 3 of my pregnancies in varying degrees.  I don’t know about you but that annoying acid burning sensation creeps up from the back of the throat and always seems to be worse at night.  It must be something to do with lying down.

When Gaviscon contacted me about writing a post about their products, it seemed a good time to find out why heartburn is so common in pregnancy and it seems it’s another thing we can put down to all those hormones floating around the system.  I guess it had to be didn’t it!  Gaviscon provide some really helpful information on their website here to explain what happens during pregnancy with heartburn and indigestion.


It’s believed that the hormone progesterone which relaxes your muscles ready for labour, also relaxes the muscles separating the stomach and the oesophagus.  This effect allows the stomach acid to travel back up the throat causing that unmistakable burning and sometimes painful sensation of heartburn.  Later in pregnancy the pressure of baby on the stomach also plays apart.

Eating a healthy diet and avoiding rich foods can help reduce heartburn in pregnancy, and it’s also an idea to prop yourself up at night with a few more pillows.  I find what I eat is a huge factor when it comes to experiencing heartburn, it’s those little treats like chocolate that seem to do it.

Sometimes though it’s difficult to avoid taking some medication to control the condition. I find heartburn completely distracting when it’s at its worst and it’s another thing that can disturb my sleep.  I spoke to my midwife and she advised me that taking Gaviscon Double Action would be fine to take during pregnancy.  If your considering taking medication, you must seek advice from your health professional as each case can be different.


I found it to be highly effective as it not only stops the acid coming back from the stomach but it also neutralises the acid in the stomach itself making it quick and effective especially at night when I need as much sleep as possible.  If your suffering with heartburn it would definitely be worth talking to your healthcare professional about the Gaviscon range of products to see if they are safe for you.  One less pregnancy related symptom is a bonus as far as I’m concerned.

I have compensated for writing this post.

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  1. This is very good review for very good product! I lived on gaviscon during both pregnancies due to heartburn! thank you for stopping by and leaving a kind comment on my page too. xx

  2. Gaviscon is amazing! During my two pregnancies, my heartburn was very bad and Gaviscon was the only thing that made me feel better. First pregnancy meant I was prescribed the liquid form of it which worked but I didn’t like how it felt when I swallowed it. During my second pregnancy, I used the tablets which worked just as well but were easier to take. I still take them when I’ve got heartburn now!

  3. Luckily I didn’t suffer from heartburn in my pregnancies, but I sympathise with those who do, from other occasions I’ve had it. #TriedTested

  4. I had huge problems with heartburn during both of my pregnancies and took Tums by a bucketful.

  5. All I can say is…………….God Bless Gaviscon. After drinking it like coffee during both my babies i’m afraid to say that 17 years later it has become my regular night cap. Best thing ever on the market x

  6. I suffered really badly with Hyperemesis during both pregnancies and when I wasn’t being sick I had acid reflux it was horrible,. Thank goodness for huge bottles of this on script from the GP

  7. Horrible pregnancy heartburn kept me awake many a night! I couldn’t take Gaviscon as I was given the liquid and the thick gloopy texture made me feel sick.
    I didn’t know they did it in tablet form.

  8. I used Gaviscon through all my pregnancies – I’d forgotten how horrid heartburn was.

  9. While most heartburn in pregnancy will be innocent, it can also be a sign of preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome.

    I had what I thought was heartburn – Gavsicon did nothing, which it wouldn’t because it was really my liver failing.

    If a pregnant woman is experiencing heartburn it is vital she visits a health care professional to make sure she does not have these devastating, life-threatening conditions. Gavsicon won’t do anything in these circumstances xx

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