Do you know when a day out is just so good, you firstly struggle to pick your favourite moment and secondly, you are still talking about it a week later.
That’s exactly what happened to us when we visited West Midlands Safari Park for the day.
It’s been somewhere I’ve wanted to visit for a while, so when they got in touch with us on Twitter, I was absolutely delighted and accepted the invitation immediately.

We had a full day planned for our visit, so got everyone out of the house as early as we could to make the most of the day trip.
This made Daddy a bit grumpy, but we are kind of used to that and I was pretty confident a visit to the safari park would cheer him up, other wise we were going to be in for a very long day.

Well, it definitely did cheer him up! We both loved watching the girls enjoy our private animal encounter, and were blown away at all the animals they got to meet first hand.
These experiences are offered to schools and groups and are excellent for educational purposes.
The children literally hung on the keepers every word as he introduced them to a Madagascan hissing beetle, a tenrec, and a very friendly and well trained skunk, to name but a few.

The fact they were able to touch the animals and find out where they came from and the different things they ate really bought them to life for them.
Young children enjoy animals and learn so much from experiences like this at safari parks, and seeing the benefits come to life first hand was literally magical.
West Midlands Safari Park has lots for families to explore and is a real fun packed family day out.
The penguins greet you as you first walk in, and who doesn’t love penguins, right?
The girls loved watching them play and swim in their enclosure and they were able to feed them later on in the day.
You also get the chance to really get up close to so many of the animals.
If you visit the Twilight Cave, see how many fruit bats you can spot.
They can also be seen climbing across the ropes as you walk along the path. It was a lot of fun.

I think my favourite moment was getting to feed the Lorikeets.
This is such a great experience, so do get a pot of nectar and pop into their building.
The birds literally come and sit on you so they can eat their favourite food.
You can’t get much closer to an animal than that can you? They are so pretty and colourful too.

Another big hit with all of us was the Sea Lion Show.
Callum the sea lion came out to his excited audience with his keeper to show off his many talents.
Sea Lions are very bright creatures, and they are trained to help with their brain development and keep them engaged so that they have a positive experience living in captivity.
Callum loves a crowd too, and likes showing off his skills.
He was such a character to watch and we also got to see a young girl become apart of the show and meet Callum in person as her birthday treat. What a lovely thing to do if you are a big animal fan.

If we hadn’t had enough fun already, we joined the mini bus tour to explore the rest of the safari park.
We really didn’t know what to expect from this, but it literally blew us all away.
On a mini bus tour, your tour guide is able to leave the track and take you off road, something you can’t do in your own car.

It’s a bit of a bumpy one, but it’s worth it when you are feeding giraffe from the window or driving right up to get a good look at the parks new baby white rhino, Ekozu.
We also saw the 14 African painted dog pups sleeping under a tree, things you just wouldn’t get a good look at from the road.
We saw so many animals, including white tigers, cheetahs, elephants and got to learn some really interesting facts too.

As well as all this, we also had time to take in a few of the children’s rides, enjoy a stroll through the sea aquarium, walk round the dinosaur park and go bug spotting around the creepy crawly display.
I cannot stress what a good day out this was for all of us.
It cheered Daddy right up, despite his grumpy start and the girls loved every minute of it.
It is definitely somewhere we would go back to, as it would be lovely to see what the girls thought of it as they got older and could take more away from the experience.

We were very lucky and privileged to be invited to enjoy all of these experiences at West Midlands Safari Park on a complimentary basis, but have no regrets about sharing this post whatsoever.
For more information about West Midlands Safari Park ticket prices and experiences, please visit the website.
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Aww this looks like a fab day out! Sea lions are one of my favourite animals!
We love safari parks and this one looks fab! Amazing that you got to feed a giraffe!
Love to try new adventures
This looks amazing
My grandparents lived in Stourbridge so we were frequent visitors here. Great day out!
That looks like so much fun. I think I prefer Safari parks than to regular zoos, at least with safari parks they animals seem to have a bigger place to roam. I don’t really like seeing caged animals, find it a bit depressing. This one looks so much fun though!
Oh this looks amazing! I’m sad we live so far away!
Would love to visit this Safari Park. Sounds lovely.
This looks like so much fun, and we are animal lovers so I know my little guy would love a more up close look at some of them! Especially the penguins and Zebras
This looks like an amazing experience! I would love to go!
This is pretty amazing! I honestly had no idea this existed! We don’t have kids but I can totally see us enjoying this – we had an awesome time at the London zoo as well! Haha!
This looks like such an amazing day out. I think I will have to take my little ones to a safari park as they have never been to one and they adore animals. The girls look amazed by all the animals xx
Glad it was worth the early morning! These are some really cute pictures, and helpful info, thanks for sharing.
Wow looks like you’ve had such a great time! Totally agree that Safari parks are great for children and they are great for really valuable family time too. I really loved the photos of the Lorikeets. I’ve been to a bird sanctuary that birds similar to them comes to feed from our hands too and it’s such a great experience. Talk about getting hands-on lol. The shows must be great too but there’s nothing like getting close and personal with an animal ;). Really enjoyed your post 🙂