Bizzy Bitz is a great new construction toy that landed on our doorstep here at Zena’s Suitcase a few weeks ago.   The great thing about blogging is it gives me the opportunity to expose my children to a wide range of toys, and share with you the very best of what’s on the toy market coming up to Christmas.  It’s also taught me a thing or two about what my children really like to play with.

Building With Bizzy Bitz

Bizzy Bitz Is Perfect For Boys And Girls

My girls couldn’t wait to get started with Bizzy Bitz, and even though it’s meant for children aged 3 and up, my youngest daughter was really interested too.  Our Bizzy Bitz box was filled with 350 pieces of the unique kids building system as well as lots of books with ideas of what we could make.  They loved the bright colours and all the different shapes in the box.  They were keen to start building with Mummy.

Bizzy Bitz Building Set For Kids ReviewThey also got Daddy and their big brother involved in building Bizzy Bitz with them, which I thought was great.  Teen thought it was a brilliant toy, and would have really enjoyed having something like it when he was younger.  I think he will be having a secret play with it when the girls aren’t looking!

I really liked that Bizzy Bitz can be used to make so may different things from cars, to ducks to sewing machines, and even flowers.  It really is a great toy for boys and girls to develop skills that will help them in subjects such as maths and science later on down the line when they get to school.

Bizzy Bitz Building Set

Bizzy Bitz Is Easy To Use

The instructions are really easy to follow and there are lots of different levels to the toy starting at basic things to make and building up to more complex structures using the patented ball and socket system.

The books help make it really easy for children using the toy to sort the different shapes and colours they need to make their item. It then gives them a simple diagrams to follow to help put the Bizzy Bitz pieces together.

Bizzy Bitz Building systemWe’ve started off with really simple Bizzy Bitz building projects, and we have been enjoying building things like this duck together.  I don’t think it will be long though before my daughter will be able to build these designs by herself.   It will be great for developing concentration, problem solving and independence skills ready for school.

Bizzy bitz duck model

I think it’s going to be a toy that she really grows into.  I can’t see her getting bored any time soon as she learns to build the more and more complex designs.  I’m keen to have a go at making the sewing machine myself!

We were provided with the Bizzy Bitz 350 builder set for the purposes of this review but all thoughts and opinions are our own.  I have no regrets about providing this review and would have no problem recommending this toy to family or friends as a Christmas or birthday present idea for  creative children.

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  1. I love this and we would have had great fun with this when the kids were younger, all 3 of them loved building things and would all sit quietly together playing as well. Can see this becoming a popular toy x

  2. This is the first ive seen or heard of this product but it looks fun! Great all the family can join in and share their ideas too.

  3. They do look like fun. Those toys are the one that are usually not only addictive for the children, but also for the adults.

  4. I haven’t heard of these before but they look like lots of fun. I think I would have just as much fun as Boo! hehe

  5. Oooh this looks like one of those toys that you end up keeping forever, timeless and one that you’d never really get bored of and can keep coming back to!
    X X

  6. I’ve not seen this before but it looks fab – really different and like you can make lots of different things. I’ll look out for it as I think my four year old would love it.

  7. WOW! this is so cool, looks like you can create lots of stuff so kids won’t get bored with this quickly, thanks for sharing


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