Weight Loss

Protein World Slender Plan Diet Review

I personally believe that finding the right diet product or slender plan is the key to loosing weight successfully.  There are lots of weight loss products out there and it can quickly feel very...

Slimming World Easy Beef & Vegetable Stir Fry With Hoisin Sauce

When you join Slimming World or start following the Food Optimising eating plan you soon realise that you need some easy to make 'go to recipes' to help you stay on track.  One of...

Slimming World Progress After 3 Months

I went along to my regular Slimming World meeting last week, not really expecting to see any weight loss.  My week had become over shadowed by one piece of cake I had indulged in...

Trying To Be Active & Working From Home

Right guys, today it's time for a bit of a confession. Things here have got out of control. It happens every now and then, but this time things are serious. They are worse than...

Achieving Balance And Losing Weight

Achieving balance in my life is my main goal for 2016.  I talked here about how I hope this will help me with my weight loss journey, and what I had learnt about falling...

Achieving Balance In 2016

How's your 2016 going so far?  Are you sticking to those New Year's Resolutions?  I hope things are going well and you are working towards whatever goals you have set yourself this year.  I...

My Weight Loss Blip

My weight loss journey update is fashionably late, by a whole week.  I actually had a night out last week, and it effected my blogging schedule.  I was lucky enough to go to the...

How To Fit In Exercise

I don't feel I've been as on track with my weight loss journey this week folks as I have been before. This wasn't the plan with my holiday to Costa...

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